Tuesday 3 July 2012

My Nigerian "Dream"

So, I’m sitting on the floor with a slight pain in my waist, typing on a television ‘cause it goes off when the stupid guy at Nepa decides to trip that switch. I’m gon pretend to be the major character from “Finding Forrester” and just write. Also because Omojuwa said to do so – of course, Lincoln and Jordan backed him up. So yeah, there’s nothing interesting for you to read here, feel free to use the close or scroll button, if you’re actually reading this. I mean, what are the chances this wins, one in “I-don’t-know-number-of-articles”. I won’t feel bad since I’m getting used to people not reading my works and black men don’t read.
 Ok, you are still reading. I wish there was a way I could find out what is still keeping you here – I wager my brain its curiosity as to where I’d go with this. Like brains are worth anything in Nigeria. So, you were warned and yet, here you are. Another warning; you are hereby not allowed any deeply, personal opinions on anything out of everything you are going to read. Of course, your thoughts are totally yours so let them stay in your head, where they belong.
The slight pain in my waist is there because I am jobless, five months and counting hence, I sleep all day. Only a doctor from Hopkins can tell me otherwise. This is a problem considering the pressure to be successful and you need a good job for that in Nigeria. Our mentality sucks. I really want to be a writer but you have to have spent time in prison or write on abuse, social unrest, war etc. to be successful. I’m therefore learning to take sad things more seriously. And yes, define success as an assignment.
In the chase of “success”, I took two final level interviews of reputable Nigerian companies last year and they didn’t even have the courtesy, no scratch that, common sense to tell me they didn’t want me. I mean, what’s a text message to a big company? Can you imagine what it feels like having to wait and guess?  International companies I applied to sent me messages, yes plural, that made me feel good about being rejected. You see why the black man would forever remain behind the white man? I know what you are thinking, it is still the black mans’ mentality! A rat just strolled into my room.
Just imagine, my parents are still responsible for my upkeep - very thing I was trying to avoid by not going for M.Sc abroad. They had their jobs in their early twenties and are still working when they ought to be retired and reaping the fruits of their labor – l being the laborer. But alas, we live in realist world.  I’m beginning to regret this but hopefully these millions would go towards their retirement. I love them pieces men. Heard they had a huge fight the other day and Barrister, for the first time lost his cool. Wow, Pastor really crossed the line. Imagine, they didn’t tell me. They say I lack emotions and can’t empathize so, no need. Only if they knew.
That I had enough emotions to land my first girlfriend in JS 2 and that was the real reason I wasn’t made head boy - you would think taking WAEC in that school was for qualification to paradise. I have since graduated to a guy involved with six ladies in different shades of relationships with plans to break up with the only steady one – a lawyer in Abuja, soon. No calls, monosyllabic responses to pings, and she’s gon call it quits herself. Girls, girls, girls - only thing they love is lies. And no, my heart was not shattered beyond repair and I’m no player. It’s the girls instead…  

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