Saturday 18 August 2012

Fix you- Cold Play

I know someone who is HIV positive and I once assumed that of her mother's 2 children, she would be the first to die.

The first time I heard of her results 7 years ago, I was shocked. I knew people got infected but you never really believe just how true it is till it hits home. This not-blood-related cousin became part of the family when her mum who was Grandma's help, raised Grandma's kids when Grandma passed away at a relatively young age. For the purpose of this post, we would call Grandma's help ' Mummy Eko', Mummy Eko has two kids (though all Mummy Eko's children died at birth while grandma was alive, Grandma always prayed to see Mummy Eko's kids live past infancy) which we would call Aunty Rara and Uncle Jon jon!
The first time my Mama told me we had to go visit Mummy Eko because Aunty Rara was back home after she was diagonosed with HIV, I regretted the fact I hadn't packed long sleeves for our journey to the 'Ilu-Oke'. I walked to that building taking watch of everything. I stood by the wall away from the presumed sharp door locks and other objects. Mama seemed composed but I felt like I couldn't breathe. I was WORRIED, I didn't want to get IT!

The next time I saw any of Mummy Eko's kids was when Uncle Jon jon came to pick something at our house months after that visit to the "Ilu Oke" since he had become the major care taker of Mummy Eko, Aunty Rara and his own family. I was shocked when mama said we should feed him. I wanted to ask if I could give him bread and stew since he wouldn't need any cutlery to eat the meal. Uncle Jon jon wasn't the problem, I was just scared of the virus. Then Aunty Rara stayed over while we were hosting a four-day-event, I had to stop watching her like a hawk when the stress of hosting a party got to me.

Last year Uncle Jon jon came for my cousin's wedding in "Ilesha" because Mummy Eko is too old to travel and Aunty Rara was asked to stay with her. Nobody told us Uncle Jon jon had been sick before the party, he passed away about 2 weeks later. I have some pictures from that wedding where he was in the background and though I might not have built a relationship with him, his death was and still is, very saddening. Uncle Jon jon died of typhoid, many years after his twin who died at infanthood, some say his twin called him to the great beyond. Mummy Eko collapsed a couple of times after she got the news. Aunty Rara is still alive and I thank God for her life.

When you hear of death rates or statistics, they seem to be fabricated or just numbers while you seat in the comfort of your homes but, they aren't!

Last year, on the very first day of "working" at a government owned paediatric hospital, I heard a mother wail over a lost child . I stayed in a office close to the children's ward about a week long and I heard parents mourn dead children. The screams and shouts are always similar, you can tell what exactly they aren't saying....their temporary loss of hope, and uncertainty. It is so heart wrenching, it makes you pray away the grim reaper and mourn that child you never met.

I am not the only one who (previously) assumes that people with unsolvable diseases have the stamp of death, doctors do too. The death sentences some doctors pass are incomprehensible but I don't blame them, they are limited to the advancement of science and technology, bound to ethics and knowledge of medical research. Yet medical research is limited to God's revelation and its timing.

Some break the news of a disease without a known cure and leave their patients at their own mercy. Telling a person that there isn't hope would kill the person faster than the disease and that is the reason for the placebo. You should check out the placebo effect, its a cure in the mind.
Doctors are humans too and they have their faith and beliefs or not. Still they can only know what God reveals to them and at its appointed time. The Greatest 'Rapha' has no limitations, he opens the eyes of blind; makes the lame walk; raises the dead; heals the sick and amongst other things, God made man and breathe life into him (Gen 2:7).

So the next time the doctors says cancer, claim life; the next time he says glaucoma and loss of sight, claim perfect sight. Whatever you hear that is against your will and the plan of God for your life, reject it because it is time to speak to your Father and your Maker. "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" Romans 10:13

I told you already, I love Jesus.


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