Thursday 19 April 2012


Hi there - you reading this, if you are actually reading this, sorry. Err, forgive my initial rambling but you see, I created this blog (oh, thank you very much) and somehow I can't seem to find it on Google so I thought a little introductory post might solve that problem. Hence, my earlier rambling 'cause I actually don't expect anyone to be reading this....until later of course. (I've decided I'm gon leave this post up). Yaay!!
So, lets do a brief run through of what this blog is gon entail (this is going to be amended as deemed necessary during its lifetime, which I sincerely hope would be for as long as the internet lasts, hehe..) and the journey to starting/creating it.
I met a great guy last week, hopefully he's gon drop a guest post - also a lot of other celebs *hands clasped, head bowed* and he said as far as he was concerned, everyone should have a blog. That struck me, added to the fact that a blog has always being a useful tool for being cool (the debate for that would hold at another time). Seriously though, as my profile states, I'm an aspiring writer and as such I have a very active imagination and I'm always  thinking - like the average human. But while the average human does whatever he does with his thoughts, I've decided to put mine down, on this electronic pages - sort of an electronic diary or something right?
Err, the internet's gon go off in another five minutes so kindly pause this reading and grab a bite or something - I gotta publish this and see if my theory, which i propounded earlier (remember? 1st paragraph?) works.
Welcome once again - we on our way to GREATNESS I assure you.

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