Sunday 22 April 2012

Introduction To Grants' Thoughts (Consider It My Mission Statement)

Hello people. It’s my second post and I’m not yet tired, yaay.  Lol! The excitement is much, on my part, and if I can get you to feel only a little of that, my job (more like hobby) here would be totally worth it. Really. So, thanks once again for being here on this blog (and thinking those thoughts that would basically answer the question – do I want to follow this blog?) when you could have been on any other blog in the world, I really appreciate it!
Now, back to the question I stated in the past paragraph – do I want to follow this blog? – let me quickly say a few things that are gon help you answer that as truthfully and quickly as you can, without the emotional pain and drama -lol. A quick “something” to start.
I follow Michael Skolnik on twitter and amongst other things; he’s the political director to Russell Simmons. He also gives character to the term social activism. Due to his tweets and later, articles during the Occupy Wall Street protest, KONY 2012 and most recently, Trayvon Martins’ murder, I was forced to get involved in these issues. I read up on them and decided to take stand – on twitter mostly! Now, while a lot had/has to be done to contend with these issues, there’s no denying the huge part the social media now plays – a full write up on this soon. So, when someone tweeted at me saying “some people take panadol (a pain relieving drug) for other peoples’ headache” I knew she couldn’t understand. How could she possibly understand the effect of twitter when she’s on it to amass followers and the shallow satisfaction that provides? How could she know that it was only by tweeting that people could get informed about issues and hopefully be motivated to do something about it? That it’s only on twitter, and other social media, that you can easily find people, like minds from every walk of life possible, who together through collective action achieve an aim; whatever it is? That it’s all our single voices that become the loud noise that disrupts and causes action? How could she understand?
 The Occupy Wall Street Protest, KONY 2012 and Justice for Trayvon Martin achieved whatever level of attention (and success) they are garnering due to our individual voices. Michael Skolnik showed me I had a voice I could and should use - on twitter. I have decided to take it further by creating a blog; a place where I can shout so loud till somebody hears me. That’s the primary reason for this blog!
My profile reads evolving activist, creative enthusiast and aspiring writer so I’m gon be “shouting” on a whole lot of things, with focus on the three outlined traits – there’s gon be something here for everyone, if not more than one thing sef. The language I would be using in my posts is gon switch between formal, semi formal (like this one) and informal, depending on what a particular post is about. There are gon be posts on personal experiences and personal opinions (although I seriously wonder how personal I can get? Shout out to all the bloggers who are basically writing/filling electronic diaries – you are very strong oh, the thought of how you can share the details of your life with the world comfortably is one making the constant rounds in my head. Who knows, I might be able to do it?). There are also gon be very objective posts whose sole purpose is to educate, no sides would be taken, I’d just simply be stating the facts. I’m gon be writing on everything yo! So best you see it as one exciting journey that’s never gon end – kinda like “The Magic School Bus”, who remembers the cartoon series?
My posts are gon be concise and straight to the point (I hear my ‘predecessors’ ramble on and on, hehe). They are also gon be very engaging so feel absolutely free to (and please always endeavor to) use the comment section. I’d also love to know what you’re thinking! Err, what else? Hopefully, I have succeeded in convincing and not confusing you (last statement use to be a favorite closing line for debates then in high school. I wonder if anyone still uses it.) on why this blog should be bookmarked, Favorited and visited constantly.
Peace y’all.

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