Thursday 14 February 2013


Your brother giving you his last card, his last box, for that emergency you always having - suddenly, over and over again, knowing that you never going to pay him back…
Your boy, driving you, despite his strong reservations, 140km/hr, in his car, on his fuel, navigating Lagos-Ibadan expressway and its ditches, to see a girl you totally in love with but, doesn’t love you back…
Your mum, taking an overnight trip, getting on that luxurious bus as soon as she received that call, that cerebral malaria was taking its toll, stealing her son, fighting for you with tears and prayers…
Your kid sister, agreeing to make Indomie at 11pm, so she can watch the latest episode of One Tree Hill on your laptop, you both knew it wasn’t a fair trade, still she did, chuckling all the time…
Your pops going on all those walks with you, Monday mornings, Saturday afternoons, to all those bookshops and roadside vendors, molding you into the person you are…

Love is.....
Forgetting your timidity and fear because someone needs to you be bold for them
Putting your emotions aside because someone else needs your shoulder to cry on
Doing more for someone else that you would do for yourself
Going to KFC at 12am because your wife needs her hot fries and crispy chicken
Dedicating your whole day to drive your friend around because she doesn’t have a car and you don’t want her to take the bus.
Picking a phone call at 3am in the morning, because it may just be someone who needs your help
I think I’m done here
But basically love is giving but never expecting or taking anything back

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