Sunday 7 October 2012


Fellow environmentalists, green greetings. Below, are views from two climate conscious individuals - have a good read and express your thoughts, even as I await yours. Thank you. 

 “Climate change can be described as a significant change in the weather pattern of a particular region for a period of time. The major cause of climate change, especially in the tropics (places located along the equator such as Nigeria, Ghana, California etc.), is global warming. Global warming is the constant rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s surface. This has being happening since the nineteenth century, and is as a result of an increase in the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. I’ll use the South Eastern part of Nigeria to highlight just one of the effects of climate change and global warming. In the seventies, when the seasons in Nigeria were just the harmattan and the wet/rainy seasons, local Igbo farmers planted their yam seedlings in February when the first rains fell, this allowed ample time for the seedlings to decay in time for germination when the rains fell next, usually a month after, in March. This practise was quite successful for both sustenance and commercial purposes. Now, things have changed. The seasons are no longer divided into the two earlier mentioned, we also have dry/heat season now, hence, farming as we used to know it is no longer. A reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases, especially carbon IV oxide (CO2), nitrogen IV oxide (NO2) and chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs) is what is needed. This means a reduction in combustion of any kind; burning of forests or refuse, especially in the North, planting trees to fight deforestation and desertification etc.”

 "Global warming is the increase in temperature of the atmosphere around the globe. It is caused by the emission of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxides (greenhouse gases) into the atmosphere, usually from burning of fossil fuel, that is, coal, gasoline and the likes. These gases in turn cause the warming of the environment. Global warming may cause an overflow of water bodies (flooding) due to melting in the polar regions and expansion, it may cause drought in prone continents like Africa, some heat related diseases like meningitis and other health issues, death of animals and humans (I think, lol). By reducing the emission of greenhouse gases into the environment, this global phenomenon can be curbed.  Reliance on mass transportation systems would reduce the number of vehicles, emitting these gases, in use - this is a step in the right direction. Also policies that prohibit indiscriminate felling of trees (deforestation) should be put in place. Practices can be carried out to counteract the effect of the gases such as the planting of trees (especially in tropical areas) as they absorb the CO2 in the atmosphere."

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