Sunday 9 September 2012

The jollof song- E3 brothers

How to Make Jollof Rice

Basic ingredients
Pepper mix
Tomato puree
Mixed vegetables (optional)

Wash the rice, parboil for 5-8 minutes and rinse out.

My name is Chi-Amaka, Mrs. Chi-Amaka Olujimi. People ask me why I married a man outside my tribe in this tribalistic nation and I would tell you the same thing I told them, “...because I loved him”. The first time I met Gbenga 15 years ago, he introduced himself as Chika. Inter tribal marriages weren't as embraced as they are now and I loved him still even when I found out he was Yoruba. My father threw me out when I took Gbenga home. He said it was over his dead body any of his children marry an 'ngbati ngbati'. I stood against my father for the first time in my life and told him he had better prepare to die.
That was 12 years ago and I haven't seen or spoken my father since.

Fry the puree with oil, add salt and spices to taste. (I do not care for vegetables in my jollof rice but if you do, fry it separately)

None of my family came to my wedding. My mother was too scared of my father and my siblings were too young to defy him. I guess you would find it easy to say that marrying Gbenga against my father's will meant I was owned by him and I would easily agree to that too. I was walked down the aisle by Gbenga's friend. I was radiant, everyone said so. I was happy!

Mix the pepper mixture with rice and cover with water. Close the pot with lid and cook on medium heat.

Our first year was blissful. We were totally in love. I wanted children but Gbenga said he didn't want any. I thought he was joking about it 'cos a woman in love is as stupid as they come till I found a reciept of Gbenga's vasectomy 3 years into our marriage.
“The heart of man is immensely wicked” I have heard people say. I had no one to talk to about it. The only friends I had were the people he introduced me to; my family were still exiled from me. When I confronted Gbenga about my discovery, he apologized immediately and reminded me that he always said he didn't want children. I forgave him...I was a woman in love.

Before the rice is fully cooked, mix in tomato puree to make red and the vegetables (if applicable).

Two years ago, Gbenga became the beast. He came home asking for a divorce out of the blue. He told me I was worth nothing to him and without him. He had no use for me anymore, he said. And I did beg like a worthless fool for him not to throw me out that night. I called his sister the next day to talk some sense to him. He listened but I should have run as far as I could when I had the chance. I became Gbenga's enemy after that. I was punched, slapped and insulted at every oppurtunity. "You need to be disciplined", that's what he said after every assault. I remained silent, didn't tell anyone about what I was experencing. I hoped he would change...hilarious!

If your jollof rice is burnt at the bottom of the pot, do not panic. There is no jollof if some rice aint burnt!

For a year my husband Gbenga came home drunk to hit me, rape me and sleep off like his assault on me was his sedative...pitiful. The human mind is stronger than we give it credit. I lost mine 12 years ago to "love" but I got it back tonight...exhilirated. It can be pushed far enough yet it has a breaking point like every other thing. I got to mine an hour ago. There was something different about tonight. The assaults came as usual but I didn't feel anything. I kept mumbling "hot oil" as he struck me. He thought I was talking back so he struck harder. When he fell asleep as usual, I went to the kitchen, emptied the bottle of olive oil (such exquisite taste) to the frying and watched it boil.

Serve the jollof rice with meat and a bottle of soda.

It’s a good thing the neighbours are used to our screams, well, tonight its just Gbenga's scream. I have been in this room typing my story; oblivious to Gbenga's plea for help when the pain in his ear and face had jolted him from sleep. I laughed to his face when he mentioned love...and mercy.
I will take him to the hospital alright; after all.... he is my husband.

A healthy spirit conquers adversity,
    but what can you do when the spirit is crushed?”- Proverbs 8:14.
I still love Jesus…..

P.S. The persons and events in this story are fictitious

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